Lai, A.L., Eswara Moorthy, A.,
Li, Y., Tamm, L.K. (2012) Fusion activity of HIV gp41 fusion domain is related
to its secondary structure and depth of membrane insertion in a cholesterol
dependent fashion. Journal of Molecular
Biology 418 (1-2): 3-15
immunodeficiency virus, HIV, attacks the human immune system by targeting CD4+
T- cells, which will be covered in PPS section 12. The virus is coated in a lipid bilayer which
supports trimeric glycoprotein complex gp120/gp41. The gp41 trimer is transmembrane whilst the
gp120 glycoprotein projects from the viral surface, recognising and binding the
CD4 receptors and chemokine coreceptors expressed on the T-cell surface. This binding provokes change in the
interaction between the glycoproteins, causing gp41 to extend its N terminus
towards the T-cell, leaving its C terminus firmly embedded in the viral lipid
membrane. The N terminus, which includes
conserved hydrophobic residues, inserts into the lipid bilayer of the T-cell
and then the elongated section between the two membranes refolds into a helical
hairpin, so bringing the membranes close enough to fuse and allowing the virus
to enter the cell. Several therapies,
for example Fuzeon®,
gp41 by inhibiting the formation of the six helix bundle (one hairpin per each
of the three monomers). This process is
covered in section 7 of PPS under The Life Cycle
of HIV.
mechanism of insertion of the gp41 fusion domain into the T-cell’s lipid bilayer
is clearly of paramount importance in understanding the process of membrane
fusion but the structure of the fusion domain has been controversial with
several studies directly contradicting each other. NMR studies of the
gp41 fusion domain in solution in lipid micelles revealed an α helical
structure but NMR studies of the fusion domain in solid state in lipid bilayers
indicate a structure which is primarily composed of β sheets. (NMR is a widely
used spectroscopic technique which utilises the oscillations of nuclei in a
strong magnetic field. This technique is
covered in the TSMB course but current PPS students will not be able to follow
the link.) Neither of the sets of
conditions is close enough to physiological conditions to be conclusive and so
a recent study, (Lai, A.L. et al., (2012)), was designed
to examine the structure taken by the domain under a range of possible
physiological conditions.
cell membranes of both the virus and the T-cell contain approximately 30 mol%
cholesterol. (Mol% is mole percentage,
the molar mass of a constituent as a percentage of the average molar mass of
the sample.) This cholesterol is not
distributed evenly, however, but forms lipid rafts of high cholesterol concentration
surrounded by cholesterol poor membrane.
This paper used circular
(again, this link is to the TSMB course) to study the structure adopted by the
gp41 fusion domain bound to a lipid bilayer in conditions of zero cholesterol,
20 mol% cholesterol and 30 mol% cholesterol.
Circular dichroism exploits the fact that different secondary structures
absorb alternating circularly polarised light at characteristic wavelengths and
so the percentage of α helical and β sheet secondary structure within a protein
can be calculated.
surprising results are that where there is an absence of cholesterol, the
structure is clearly α helical. As the
cholesterol content increased, β sheet structures appear and α helical
structures dissipate until at 30 mol% cholesterol the β sheets are seen to
predominate. Since the length of the
domain in question is quite short it seems unlikely that it is a mixed
structure but rather that the domain changes conformation as the lipid
composition alters.
increase understanding of this, electron
paramagnetic resonance, or EPR, was used.
The fusion domain was labelled at four points with a nitroxide which
would give a saturation signal as it reacted with the oxygen that is more
prevalent in the hydrophobic centre of the lipid bilayer. This could be used to show that the α helical
conformation penetrated the bilayer more deeply at approximately 8 Å while the
β sheet was held slightly closer to the headgroup region. This data could also be used to perform an innovative
docking exercise. Several structures of
the fusion domain of gp41 in α helical conformation had been previously solved
and the lowest energy one, PDB 2PJV, was selected
and the four nitroxides were added to it computationally. This structure was then introduced to a
computational model of a lipid bilayer and rotations and translations were
applied until the derived saturation signals gave the best fit with the
experimentally measured ones. The
resulting model shows the α helix embedded beneath the phosphate headgroups
with the hydrophobic sidechains extending into the hydrocarbon centre of the
lipid bilayer.

of the fusion domain of HIV gp41 docking in the lipid bilayer
A.L., Eswara Moorthy, A., Li, Y., Tamm, L.K. (2012) Fusion activity of HIV gp41
fusion domain is related to its secondary structure and depth of membrane
insertion in a cholesterol dependent fashion.
Journal of Molecular Biology 418 (1-2): 3-15
it has been shown that membrane fusion between the virus and the T-cell is
initiated whichever of the two conformations is adopted. Given this, the question is raised as to the
mechanistic implication of this extraordinary ability to switch conformations
depending on local lipid conditions without altering functionality. Does the fusion domain enter the target
membrane at a cholesterol rich region in β sheet conformation or a cholesterol
poor region in α helical conformation? There
is currently no answer but the study puts forward some appealing suggestions.
the insertion occurs across the boundary of the cholesterol rich raft. In this case there may be a mix of conformations
dependent on the exact location of each fusion domain. Alternatively, the insertion may initiate in
the lipid raft but then switch into the α helical conformation in order to pass
through the less ordered cholesterol poor membrane. This may be because this region of membrane
is more conducive to fusion or because of the unproven hypothesis that the
fusion domain interacts with the gp41 transmembrane domain to engender membrane
fusion. There are indications of this
interaction in the fusion mechanism of the influenza virus and it is considered
that a more deeply embedded α helix would provide a more attractive binding
platform than a β sheet. Having
elucidated the structural effects of cholesterol on the fusion of the HIV virus
with a human T-cell, the next step will be to understand the mechanistic
implications as a route to possible new therapies.